The Easiest Way to Lose Weight + Feel Great

If you know me, you know how much I hate dieting. I LOVE food and used to have the hardest time fitting healthy food into my routine of counting calories. I quickly discovered that dieting was overwhelming for me because I hate to cook. Although I am pregnant now, I discovered a way to “diet” before I had my sweet baby girl in my belly. 

Over time I was able to come up with a simple diet that takes less than 10 minutes for each meal, is affordable, and meals I can eat every single day and never get tired of. 

It’s important to mention that I am pretty aggressive with my calories and when dieting I only consume 1200-1400 calories. I am able to still feel full and drop weight like I want. Feel free to add other meals/snacks to your routine that are quick and easy. 


There are two meals I alternate for breakfast. Typically I make avocado toast in the morning, but if I run out, or my avocados aren’t ripe, I go with peanut butter blueberry toast. 

Avocado toast is simple, quick, and genuinely delicious (even for a girl who prefers boxed macaroni for a snack).

Check out this reel that shows the simple avocado toast recipe that I use. For my alternate breakfast, I make toast, spread healthy and clean peanut butter on the toast and add frozen blueberries on top. 

Both of these breakfast meals are super quick, easy, affordable, and I don’t get tired of them! Not having to think up new meals/recipes for breakfast is what made clean eating in the morning so easy for me.


For lunch, again I try to stick to a couple easy, healthy, and repeatable meals that I don’t get tired of. I like to opt for a lunchmeat sandwich with a fruit or veggie side. Switching up your lunchmeat, cheese, and side combo keeps your sandwiches interesting while remaining simple. 

If I decide against a sandwich, I like to opt for a salad + healthy side like yoghurt or add protein to the top of the salad like ham lunchmeat or baked chicken. 


Now, dinner is where I’m able to be more free. Because I made healthy choices through the day, I typically let myself have whatever I want for dinner. Often we have tacos, spaghetti, chicken alfredo, or burgers and macaroni. The only thing I keep in mind here is portion. I typically feel pretty hungry by dinner time and my eyes are bigger than my stomach. When I get too much food, I end up overeating and making myself miserable. In addition, I end up wasting a good amount of food. 

To avoid this, I like to make my plate with half the food that I THINK I want. I can always go back for more, but I’ve found that I rarely do!

These tactics are a perfect way to keep your diet in line without restricting yourself too much. It also keeps mealtimes affordable and making meals so much less overwhelming!


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