Top Baby Finds of the Week

Favorite Baby Finds Week

Hey y’all! We are back with another collab! This week, we wanted to share our top baby and family finds of the week and why we love the items!

My Picks:
Top Baby Finds Week

Since I am expecting to have my baby girl in May, I’ve been stocking up on some clothing that is on sale! 

When it comes to baby clothes, there’s pretty much no need to buy something full price! There are constantly new sales + items going on clearance. Each of these baby items are on clearance or on sale, and I even linked a couple more options in case these go out of stock. 

For these books, I really liked The House in the Pines and I will be writing a book review soon! I give House in the Pines a solid 7/10 and only didn’t score it higher because the ending was abrupt and I felt like there could have been more. A legitimate psychological thriller that will make it hard to put it down. I’m currently reading Dreamland by Nicholas Sparks and I love it so far! 

If you’re interested in the books that I’m reading, check out the latest book review that I’ve done here!

Dariane's Picks
Top Baby Finds Week

Recently, Ethan and I have been switching to more natural things for our home as far as health, and cleaning products goes. If you’re interested in making your own cleaning supplies, beauty products, or learning how to have a more natural & low waste home, then I highly recommend starting with this book. Simply Living Well has so many diys and tips that has really taught me a lot, so its worth the read! On the note of more natural products, Bee Keeper’s Natural throat spray has been a game changer for the sick season. Anytime any of us start to feel a sore throat coming on, we spray this in our mouth and it relieves it almost instantly. We use the normal immune support spray, but they do have a kid friendly option as well that we give to Remi!

Another natural product I looked into and so far seem to like, is the Camilia Liquid drops for teething relief. It seems like Thatcher always has a new tooth coming in, so we’ve tried numerous products to help. This is the one thing that actually seems to work for him. It’s made without alcohol and considered a number one best seller for teething babies in homeopathic medicine. If you have kiddos that love apple sauce or yogurt, these reusable pouches are a great option for you. I’ve found that we’ve saved some money by buying a big thing of applesauce at the store, and then just filling these pouches up every week.

For the green jumpsuit and little mini whisk, I snagged both of these on Amazon. The whisk I mainly got for bread baking. I’ve been looking for a comfy jumpsuit to wear around the house, and for when the weather warms up. This one is such great quality and super affordable. I ordered size down since the reviews said it ran a bit big, which it does. These shoes are a bit of a splurge, but I snagged mine on sale. I recommend keeping an eye out for another one if you’ve been eyeing a pair like these ones from Mindy Mae’s Market. The quality is amazing, I love the neutral color, and they run true to size.

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